sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2013

Tao - for adoption/ pentru adoptie

Name: Tao
Sex: male
Date of birth: Octomber 2010
Size: medium
Description: dewormed, vaccinated

Tao inseamna cale, drum, ruta in chineza. Catelusul nostru are un aer strain, ca si cand nu ar fi de rasa mai-daneza cum te-ai astepta. Calea lui duce la un stapan care sa il iubeasca, unde sa fie fericit. Speram ca sa aiba drumul scurt si fara oprelisti. Tu ce vezi cand te uiti la fata lui simpatica?

Contact:  roxanadragan62@gmail.com

Tao means path, way, route in Chinese. Our puppy has a foreigner style like he is not a regular dog. His path leads him to an owner that will love him and where he will be happy. We hope that this route is short and without stops. What do you see when you look at his nice face?
Contact: roxanadragan62@gmail.com