Ellie a aparut in data de 12 decembrie 2012 intr-o curte de pe strada Marinescu, Cluj-Napoca, infrigurata si flamanda. Este o femela tanara, de aprox. 1 an, de talie medie, foarte prietenoasa si docila, o fire vesela ce iubeste sa fie in preajma oamenilor. La fel ca o adevarata domnisoara, este calda si manierata atat cu oamenii, cat si cu alti catei sau pisici. De asemenea, ii plac si copiii.
A fost vaccinata, deparazitata si sterilizata si isi cauta o familie responsabila si iubitoare. Mai multe detalii la 0743218076, Camelia Mateut.
Beautiful Ellie- for adoption
Ellie was found in a yard on Marinescu street, Cluj-Napoca, on December 12, 2012, cold and hungry and is a medium sized young female of aprox. 1 year, very friendly and obedient. She is a very happy and sociable dog and loves being around humans. Just like a true lady, she is affectionate and well-mannered both with humans and other animals, dogs or cats. Also, she likes children.
Ellie was vaccinated, dewormed and spayed and is now looking for a responsible and loving familiy. For more information you can call at 0743218076, Camelia Mateut.