Anubis este mascul in varsta de aproximativ 2 ani, castrat, are carnet de sanatate, toate vaccinurile si deparazitarile la zi si microcip.
Este un catel foarte dragut si docil, de talie medie. Prietenos cu alti catei, oricand dornic de o partida buna de joaca. Este un catel cuminte, linistit, nepretentios la mancare, merge in lesa. Aduce orice jucarie doar pentru
a atrage atentia. :)
A crescut pana acum pe strazi,
fara a avea un stapan anume, dar asta nu l-a descurjat sa aiba incredere in oameni.
Este foarte ascultator, prietenos cu oamenii, foarte jucaus cu cateii. Nu are o fire dominanta.
Desi mare parte din viata lui a fost hoinar pe strazi, se poate adapta si la viata la apartament, in momentul de fata este cazat in interior la pensiunea Petwood si nu au fost probleme de adaptare.
Anubis a fost scos de la ecarisaj
Cluj, in urma prinderii lui de catre hingheri in cartierul Grigorescu.
Se da numai cu contract de adoptie.
Contact: sau pe facebook
For adoption - Anubis, Half breed Shepherd of Bern in miniature :)
Anubis is a 2 year old male dog, medium size, neutered, with an up-to-date health card (vaccinations, disinfestation) and also he has a microchip.
He is a very cute, docile and obedient doggy. Very friendly with other dogs, always willing to start a play. He is also a very good and quiet, knows how to walk on leash and not exigent when talking abut food. He will always bring you a toy to play so that he can get all the attention. :)
Until now he was a stray dog, without having an owner, but this didn't discouraged him to trust people.
As I said he is an obdedient dog, people and chidlren friendly, very playfull with other dogs. He definitely is not a dominant dog.
Even if a large part of his life he lived on the streets, he an easily adapt to living in an apartment also. (right now he is living at a pension, and he is checked-in inside of the pension and enjoys it a lot).