Suntem 10 fratiori, metis ciobanesc german. Avem varsta de 1 luna. Am fost aruncati intr-o punga la marginea drumului. Acum locuim in casute temporare. Ne cautam fiecare casuta noastra si o persoana sau o familie pe care sa o iubim. Suntem simpatici, curiosi, jucausi, cuminti si pufosi. Iar cand vom creste mari, vom fi de talie medie. Avem multa afectiune de oferit si cate o burtica de mangaiat.
Suntem mici, dar avem suflet mare!
Contract de adoptie.
Waiting for our homes!
We are 10 little brothers, German shepherd half-breeds. We are 1 month old. We were thrown away, in a bag, by the side of the road. Now we live in temporary homes. We are looking for our own home and a person, or a family, to love. We are cute, curious, playful, obedient and fluffy. And when we grow up, we will be medium in size. We have a lot of affection to offer and little bellies to caress.
We are tiny, but pack a giant heart!
Adoption contract.
Suntem mici, dar avem suflet mare!
Contract de adoptie.
Waiting for our homes!
We are 10 little brothers, German shepherd half-breeds. We are 1 month old. We were thrown away, in a bag, by the side of the road. Now we live in temporary homes. We are looking for our own home and a person, or a family, to love. We are cute, curious, playful, obedient and fluffy. And when we grow up, we will be medium in size. We have a lot of affection to offer and little bellies to caress.
We are tiny, but pack a giant heart!
Adoption contract.
Contact: Alina Simo, 0741 264 449, Baciu/Cluj-Napoca,